Centering on Self
From the moment we are born, we are the center of our own world. Our consciousness reigns supreme, and the lives of others seem peripheral. As we grow, our self-centeredness expands to include family, community, and even our entire species. This inherent 'narcissism' has permeated religion and early science, both of which placed Earth at the center of the cosmos.
It took immense courage, imagination, and rational thinking for visionaries like Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo to break free from this geocentric mindset that the Earth was at the center of the universe. Today, we know Earth is just one planet orbiting the Sun among billions of stars in our galaxy, which is merely one of countless galaxies in a 14-billion-year-old universe. Despite our relatively recent appearance in the cosmos, humans have long believed the universe was created solely for us.
Recognizing our cosmic insignificance has been humbling, but it also serves as a testament to our intellect and capacity for growth. However, a resurgence of neo-geocentric ideas, which place human consciousness at the center of existence, has emerged in recent years. This movement argues that consciousness pervades the entire universe and may have even sparked the big bang.
Is human consciousness at the center of our universe?

Prominent scientists and philosophers have embraced these ideas, advocating for a "new science" that places consciousness as a fundamental aspect of reality. Neo-geocentrism has gained traction in various theories, such as information-based theories of consciousness, integrated information theory (IIT), quantum theories of consciousness, Orchestrated Objective Reduction (Orch-OR), the simulation hypothesis, the anthropic principle, and even Buddhism.
These neo-geocentric ideas have an undeniable allure, reflecting our longing for significance and tapping into our innate human desires. However, they can also be seen as a byproduct of our modern society's self-obsession, fueled by the omnipresence of social media.
While the increasing popularity of neo-geocentrism may be concerning, militant materialism and atheism, which dismiss our quest for transcendent meaning and fail to appreciate the wonder of our existence, are equally disconcerting. It is crucial to recognize that no single theory or theology can truly capture the enigma of our existence. This humble agnosticism reflects the wisdom of our species and allows us to appreciate the profound mysteries of the universe without succumbing to self-centeredness.
Embracing humble agnosticism and acknowledging the limitations of our understanding enables us to engage in a deeper exploration of the cosmos without being confined by dogma or self-centered perspectives. We can remain open to various possibilities, allowing us to grow and adapt as our knowledge expands.
The balance between seeking transcendent meaning and acknowledging our cosmic insignificance is crucial. We must recognize the incredible complexity of the universe and our extraordinary existence without succumbing to egocentrism. This equilibrium encourages a more profound appreciation for the interconnectedness of all things and an unquenchable curiosity to explore the unknown.
Remember how little we know
We've been wrong countless times before. We're currently wrong about many other things today.
By being open-minded, and not think we have it all figured out, we can explore different perspectives on the nature of reality and the role of consciousness. Through these discussions, we can develop new theories and refine our understanding of the universe, while also fostering empathy and collaboration between various fields of thought.
No single theory or belief can fully capture the mystery of existence. That's why we have the power of wonder and awe. When we appreciate the beauty of the cosmos and our unique place within it, it can feel like awe instead of like we have to figure it all out.
Ultimately, the key to understanding the universe and our place in it lies in our ability to embrace the unknown, seek knowledge from diverse sources, and cultivate a sense of wonder and humility.
By maintaining an open-minded and balanced perspective, we can celebrate the incredible complexity of our existence while continuing our quest for truth and meaning in an ever-expanding cosmos.