The Exploitation of Human Nature: The Dark Side of Technology
It's undeniable that technology has revolutionized our lives in countless ways, bringing about unprecedented levels of convenience, efficiency, and connectivity.
Yet, behind the shiny veneer of progress, there is a more concerning reality – the exploitation of our inherent human tendencies by companies leveraging modern technology.
As the understanding of human behavior deepens, it is increasingly deployed in our consumerist culture through relentless marketing and advertising.
The Hardwired Human: Biases and Vulnerabilities

Human biases and vulnerabilities are not mere quirks of our personalities. They are inherent and hardwired, evolved over millennia to help us survive in ancient environments.
These evolutionary tendencies, however, were not designed for our current technological age, making them ripe for exploitation.
Consider our inclination for novelty and immediate rewards. This tendency once served us well in a world where new experiences often meant new opportunities and immediate gratification was essential for survival.
However, in today's digital age, this inclination is manipulated to keep us hooked on social media platforms, gaming applications, and online shopping sites.
The Illusion of Free Will: Believing Too Much in Our Abilities

Our personal autonomy, the idea that we are the sole authors of our actions and decisions, is a cornerstone of our self-perception. As humans, we like to think of ourselves as autonomous beings, navigating through life's complexities with a clear, independent perspective, untouched by external influences. However, this self-conviction might be one of our greatest self-deceptions.
The belief in our autonomy is a double-edged sword. On one side, it fosters self-confidence, driving us to take bold actions and make decisions that shape our lives. However, on the flip side, this belief lulls us into a dangerous fallacy: that we are immune to manipulation.
Despite our awareness of cognitive biases - those mental shortcuts that help us make decisions quickly - we often underestimate their impact on our decision-making processes. We dismiss the idea that we could be just as susceptible to these biases as anyone else, considering ourselves the exception rather than the rule. This is a prime example of bias blind spot, where we recognize the impact of biases on others but fail to see their effect on our own decisions.
Consider the pervasive influence of social proof, a psychological and social phenomenon where our attitudes, beliefs, and actions are shaped by the perceived behavior or attitudes of others. In the realm of online shopping, businesses leverage this bias through customer reviews and ratings. A product with thousands of positive reviews draws us in, influencing our buying decision, even if we initially had no intention of purchasing it. Our reliance on heuristics, in this case, the mental shortcut that equates popularity with quality, blinds us to the possibility that our decision might be externally influenced.
Similarly, the mere exposure effect, a psychological phenomenon where people develop a preference for things merely because they are familiar with them, is exploited in advertising. Businesses repeatedly expose us to their products or services, knowing that familiarity will eventually breed preference.
In the context of technology, these biases are not just exploited, but amplified. Algorithms meticulously curate what we see online based on our previous interactions, creating an echo chamber that reinforces our existing beliefs and preferences. This results in a feedback loop: the more we engage with certain types of content, the more such content we are shown, leading to further engagement. Consequently, our perceptions and decisions become subtly, yet powerfully, shaped by technology.
Perception is Shaped by Circumstances

Our perception of truth is not objective but largely dependent on the context in which we view it.
A product or service that we might disregard in one context suddenly becomes attractive when framed differently or presented alongside less appealing alternatives.
Marketers and advertisers understand this well and deploy a variety of tactics, such as decoy pricing and scarcity marketing, to nudge us towards specific choices.
When we click on an online ad or browse through a store, are we really expressing our desires? Or are we merely responding to cues designed to exploit our vulnerabilities?
Too often, companies hide behind the argument that they are "giving people what they want," thereby abdicating their moral responsibility.
However, humane technologists argue that instead of exploiting human nature, we should respect it.
They advocate for the creation of products and services that align with people's values and goals, not just their impulses and cravings.
The Way Forward: Nourishing Instead of Extracting
The key to a more humane technological approach lies in understanding peoples' values and goals instead of assuming intent based on engagement metrics. By doing so, we can design products, services, and algorithms that nourish rather than extract.
Take, for instance, the potential of AI to enhance mental health services. Instead of deploying algorithms to maximize user engagement (and hence screen time), we could design them to identify signs of mental distress and offer timely interventions or support.
Similarly, social media platforms could be redesigned to foster meaningful connections and promote positive content, rather than amplifying divisive or sensational material for the sake of engagement.
Technology offers immense potential to exploit human vulnerabilities or respect them for societal advancement. By shifting our focus towards understanding and respecting human nature, we can harness technology to create a world that truly serves humanity instead of us serving it.